Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Always Busy...

I'm a little behind here, there are a few pictures I want to get posted, but I will get to that when I have a chance!

For now, we have been very busy...Jay is super busy with school right now, plus working, and I can never seem to find enough hours in the day. After Mara goes to bed I'm pretty much useless - no energy left! I've been going to bed pretty early. I'm hoping to start planning a bit better so I can get more things done in the evenings, but we'll see how it goes!

Over the weekend Mara got pretty sick (high fever, vomiting), but luckily it was a quick bug and she is feeling much better now. Poor girl was feeling pretty miserable for awhile. We're hoping to avoid any more sickness for awhile -- my fingers are crossed!

I have been feeling ok, and have started to feel the baby move around a bit more too! Jay was even able to feel one particularily strong kick or punch last week. Most of the time the baby is not quite strong enough to be felt from the outside, since the placenta is cushioning it a bit! It's fun to feel more movement now, that's my favorite thing about being pregnant!

I am looking forward to the holidays, although the weather seems more like spring than November lately! I'll enjoy that while it lasts, since I'm sure it will be snowing soon!

Thanks for checking in on us! I will try to update with some new photos soon!

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