Sunday, September 26, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy

So, things have been pretty crazy the last two weeks...

Jay started his new job on the 13th. It is going great, he likes it, and said the days go pretty quickly. He is on an orientation schedule, working days for now, but will get a taste of the other shifts soon too. (Have to say, I'm NOT excited about the month of 2nd shift that he'll be doing in November!!).

EJ started at daycare on the 13th also. He is doing pretty well, it has been an adjustment though! He is getting more comfortable now, sleeping and eating ok there. It has been a little rough because we had some sickness come through our house, so he has missed a couple days already. But otherwise things are going well!

So yeah...sickness. EJ, Jay, and I all got sick in the last couple weeks. Horrible timing of course! Thankfully Mara didn't catch anything, and we are all feeling better now. (I'm knocking on wood so I don't jinx myself, of course!)

We are just trying to get used to this new schedule and routine. Some days it's a bit of a struggle for me to get out the door in the morning (Jay is gone before I get the kids up), but we're figuring it out!

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