Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have TWO kids!

Every once in awhile it hits me...I have TWO kids. Not just one. TWO. Yikes! I am responsible for raising two children. It's a little overwhelming to think about!

But look how cute they are! We'll just ignore the fact that the only reason they are both on my lap is because Mara freaked out that I was holding Elijah, and begged to come 'up' too. At least she smiled for the picture, right? ;)

It's a new adventure every day, that's for sure!!


Sunnysmileqt said...

Just wanted to stop by and say hi! The kids are just beautiful :) I do miss your book reviews! Hope all is going well and congratulations!

Katie said...

thanks! I hope to get back to the book blog soon!! :)