I haven't taken too many belly photos this time around yet. (This isn't a great one - my hair is wet, and I'd only been out of bed for 30-45 minutes. Oh well!) I mostly think I just look fat, since I started out at a higher weight than last time, and I'm kind of in the stage where my belly isn't too 'defined' yet - so I think a lot of people just think I'm putting on weight if they don't know I'm pregnant.
I'm still not feeling well. Very grateful to not have gotten the migraines that I had in my first trimester (and early 2nd) last time. I've had some bad headaches, but nothing that kept me in bed for a day. I'm still nauseous most of the time, although it's definitely worse in the mornings -- some afternoons aren't too bad in the last couple of weeks. I vomit at odd times - usually if I smell something or let myself get too hungry. It's kind of weird. I'm hoping things will settle down a bit in the next few weeks. I don't have as much time to think or complain about it this time, so a lot of people assume I'm feeling pretty good, until I tell them. I guess that's not a bad thing.
Still low on energy too, although it has gotten a little bit better. I'm still ready for bed by 9pm and have a hard time getting up in the morning! Chasing Mara definitely takes a lot of out me too, so some days are better than others.
I have an appointment with my doctor next week, and we'll probably set up an appointment for the big ultrasound then. We won't be finding out the sex, but it will be nice to 'see' the baby and make sure everything looks good!
yay! you look great Katie! cant believe you are almost half way already! March will be here before you know it! :)
Congrats again! You're so cute! I'm so excited for you. I'm glad you're feeling better and not having migranes.
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