Maralyn Elizabeth was born at 3:46am on April 29th, 2008. We arrived at the hospital around 10:30pm the night of the 28th. After I was comfortable, Jay and I tried to get a little rest. I had been up since 5am, and knew I wouldn't be getting much sleep once the baby arrived! We watched The Fresh Prince of BelAir and The Cosby Show reruns until it was time to deliver the baby!
I'll never forget the moment our doctor announced "It's a girl!" and how excited I felt. She was gorgeous, and very vocal right from the start! She weighed 8lbs 4oz, and was 19.5 inches long. She had a full head of dark hair...most of which she lost over the next couple months! Her hair has come back in pretty thick now (in the back anyway!), but it's much lighter in color. She has grown A LOT too. She's always been a pretty healthy-sized baby, and has gotten pretty tall recently also. Her 12 month appointment is next week, so we'll find out how much she has grown!
We are so lucky and so blessed...she is such a happy baby and you can't help but smile when she flashes you that toothy grin! The year has flown by, and before we know it, another year will have passed. We're trying to enjoy every minute!
Happy Birthday Mara! It's hard to believe that your beautiful baby girl is already one year old! She has changed so much over this past year. And now she's joined Connor in toddlerhood. :)
What a doll!
I can't believe it's been a year already - this year has zipped by so quickly.
Bring that baby here quick so I can squeeze her!!!
Give that baby a big birthday kiss for me!
Could you even imagine her looking like a little girl when you were staring at that newborn baby face?!?! She is too cute! Happy Birthday Mara! (I'm a little late!)
I still remember the excitement when you sent me that text message telling me you were in labor and going to the hospital..even though at that very moment I noticed my car had been broken into, I couldnt help but smile. And then when you called to tell me I was finally an auntie...and how excited I was to hold her for the frist time. I cant believe how fast the time has gone! She is such a blessing and being her auntie has been so much fun! :)
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