Friday, February 13, 2009

Long Week

It has been a long week. On Monday I attempted to go back to work, but was miserable and ended up going home in the late morning (so did one of my coworkers) and staying home on Tuesday too. I think the two days of just being able to rest and not chase after Mara helped (along with about a half gallon of orange juice, dayquil, cough drops, and lots of kleenex). I am finally feeling better, although still coughing and still a little sniffly.

Had a couple other issues to work out this week, and hopefully that has all been taken care of now.

Jay started training at his new job today! We are glad that he's going to be working now, and found out he'll get a discount there too, which is great!

After work today we had to take Mara to get a blood test done. What a nightmare! The woman couldn't find a vein and was digging around in Mara's arm for awhile while Jay and I were both helping to hold her down and keep her calm (ha!). She then looked around on the other arm, and then went back to the first one. Poor Mara was practically hysterical. She finally got a little blood, and after a little more digging got enough for one sample (then told us she was supposed to get enough for two tests --- no way lady!! I don't even know why the second test needed to be done, so no thank you!) Jay and I were both practically in tears, and Mara was almost hyperventilating by that point. So that was lots of fun! It took her a little while to settle down after we got out of there, but was fine once we got home.

I am very happy it's the weekend now. Tomorrow we're going to get Mara's 9 month pictures taken (a little late, I was waiting for the bruise on her forehead to go away!), maybe wander around the mall and possibly stop somewhere for dinner if it's not too busy. It will be nice to get out of the house for a little while to do something fun. Hopefully they'll be able to get a few good pictures - it's getting pretty hard to keep Mara sitting still!

I'm definitely planning to go to bed early tonight and to sleep as late as possible tomorrow!


Jenna said...

Poor girl :( Hopefully things are looking up for you guys and youre all feeling better! Being sick is never fun, and I cant imagine its any better to see your little one sick.

Anonymous said...

Big congrats to Jay getting a job! Where is he working now?

Feel better fast!!!!
