Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I'm at home today. I went to work, and got a call around 7:30 that Mara had thrown up at daycare. She's never done that before, and several of the boys there have been sick lately. Yuck!

She seems ok since we've been home. She has a bit of a cough, but drank some water, and took a bottle fine. She's napping now, so hopefully she'll be ok when she wakes up. Our fingers are crossed that she isn't getting sick, but that it was just a one time thing.

I brought my laptop home, so I've been able to do some work here too. Hopefully we'll all stay healthy! Have I mentioned lately that I can't wait for spring??


Renee Clark said...

You and me both! Spring is my favorite season. I hope your daughter feels better soon!

Jenny said...

Oh, no! I hope Mara is feeling better soon. It is no fun for anyone when the little one isn't feeling well. My poor little Connor has been battling a cold.