It's been one of those days. It seems like everything that can go wrong today, is going wrong. I had a bad morning, and was crabby about several things all day.
Things seemed to be turning around after I got home, and we decided to head out for the evening and take Mara to a big Christmas light display about an hour away. Got all packed up in my car...started it up...and something was obviously wrong. I don't know what it was, but it didn't sound good. So, we unpacked, and re-packed everything into Jay's car. Pulled out of the garage, and hit the button to close the garage door. I could tell right away that something was messed up with it. It wasn't coming down straight or something. After trying to fix it for awhile, I finally unpacked the car again and brought Mara into the house (she was screaming by this point). Jay played around with the door a bit, but it was now stuck half open. My dad wasn't home, so we called Jenna, and Derek was nice enough to come right over to help us. He and Jay worked on it for awhile, and finally got it to close at least. So now, we have one car outside, and one in. We aren't sure if the door will work or not, but didn't want to risk it tonight. We'll try it again tomorrow, and my dad might come to take a look at it if we need more help. I'm not sure if it's something covered by our Homeowner's Association, but of course I couldn't get ahold of them anyway, and we're still waiting for them to come and check on something else that we contacted them about over a month I'm not counting on hearing from them anytime soon.
Needless to say, we stayed home tonight. Hopefully this is it for the bad luck. I'm already getting a little sick to my stomach at the thought of having to pay to get my car fixed, and to replace a garage door. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I'm thinking...
At least I got this cute picture of Mara playing with Oliver tonight.
Sorry you're having such a bad day! I know how that feels! If it makes you feel any better, we consistently have issues with our garage doors when the weather gets as cold as it has been. They'll start to come down, but be shaking really if they are not on the tracks...then they'll stop and go back up. A trick we found with ours is to hit the button...let it go down part way...hit the button again to "stop it" (so now the door is halfway closed)...then hit the button a 3rd and 4th time (really fast, close together)...and oddly enough it will go down the rest of the way! Sound easy enough? HA! Good luck! I hope everything turns out o.k.! =-)
I wish that worked with our door! It was all messed up though, like off the track , and then scraping against things it shouldn't be, and one side was going down and the other wasn't...I don't even know how to explain it! We might need to buy new tracks for it or something. I have no clue!! All I know is that it made me really crabby!! haha.
Sorry to hear about the rest of the things that went wrong on top of the crappy day you were already having! If it makes you feel any better, I came home to an even more destroyed Christmas tree today. Mari even ate the tinsel! No more being left in the house alone while we are gone! I am done with that!
Sorry to hear you had such a bad day yesterday. Were you beginning to wonder if it was Friday the 13th? I hope today is better.
Derek was happy to help...even if was only temporarily. When ours doesnt work, I do pretty much the same thing Andrea does, and pray that it doesnt get really messed up!! It usually works though. Luckily I have Derek around if something does get messed up because I obviously wouldnt have a clue how to fix it! Hope your weekend gets better!!
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