Thursday, November 13, 2008

Mara really DOES have a little lamb...

Jay wasn't thrilled when I first brought this home... My lovely friend Andrea gave it to me (since her husband was trying to get rid of it!!). I know we don't really have room for it, but I just thought it was funny, and had to get a picture of Mara with her little lamb! Don't worry, she only balanced on it for a few seconds, and Jay was right next to her the whole time. I'm sure she'll be able to enjoy it a little bit more once she can actually sit and rock on it by herself!


Anonymous said...

That is the cutest thing ever!!!

Aunt Lisa. ;)

Unknown said...

oh my god, how cute is that?!!! REALLY cute!!! :)

Andrea said...

That is hilarious!!! How can our husbands not like that thing! Haha... At least yours isn't "afraid" of it! Now you're going to have to take pics of all of your kids on it someday...haha... =-)