7:30am, Saturday December 11th. The car got stuck in front of our house for awhile.
11am, Saturday 12/11
3pm, 12/11
3pm, 12/11
Sunday morning, 12/12 - this is what we saw when we opened our front door.
Looking out our front door, 12/12
Yep, that's a huge drift of snow on our patio! 12/12
We've been stuck in a huge snowstorm all weekend! It started Friday night, and didn't let up until Sunday morning. It snowed all day Saturday, and the wind was really strong, blowing the snow around and creating blizzard conditions. We were very happy to stay tucked snugly in at home! We were supposed to go to a Christmas party on Saturday afternoon/evening, but that didn't happen! And on Sunday we were supposed to have a baby shower for my sister, but that didn't happen either!
It was definitely the biggest storm that I can remember for a long time, and to be honest, I still haven't been outside, and it's now Sunday evening! One perk of living in a townhouse is that we aren't responsible for snow removal! We finally got plowed out around 5pm tonight. It's very very cold outside, so I was glad to not have to be the one out there doing the work!
Hopefully roads will be ok in the morning and we won't see any more snow for awhile!!