Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Happy Baby!

Elijah started smiling about a week and a half ago. It is so sweet! I forgot how cute those little baby gummy smiles are! He loves 'talking' and interacting, and gives us some big grins! They are hard to catch on the camera (seeing the camera always seems to distract him), but we are seeing lots of smiles lately! He seems like a pretty happy little guy most of the time!!

He is also getting so big! At six weeks old, he is 12lbs 5oz! That's almost 4 pounds up from his birth weight. Not too shabby! The kid definitely likes to eat!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I have TWO kids!

Every once in awhile it hits me...I have TWO kids. Not just one. TWO. Yikes! I am responsible for raising two children. It's a little overwhelming to think about!

But look how cute they are! We'll just ignore the fact that the only reason they are both on my lap is because Mara freaked out that I was holding Elijah, and begged to come 'up' too. At least she smiled for the picture, right? ;)

It's a new adventure every day, that's for sure!!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Elijah is One Month Old!

I can't believe it's been a month since Elijah was born! He is getting so big, and starting to show his personality a bit now...although not in these pictures! He was fussy and obviously a little tired when we took them! It didn't take him long to pass out!
I had to get Mara's giraffe into at least one of the will be fun to compare the two of them month to month! The giraffe looks so big compared to him, but so small when Mara sits next to it!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Babies, Babies, Babies

Yesterday I took Elijah to my friend Mandy's baby shower. There were lots of kids and babies there! I left Mara at home with Jay since I didn't want to be chasing her all over, and it was during her nap time.

The Mama-to-be got a little baby practice, and Elijah just curled right up around her belly! It was so sweet!

Elijah posed (ok, he was asleep) with my friend Tobi's little girl, Elsie. Elsie is 9 weeks old. Elijah is 4 weeks old. There was also another baby there that was 6 weeks old! Lots of babies! Then there were a few toddlers and some older kids too. It was so fun to see everyone and their kiddos. Looking forward to meeting Mandy's new baby very soon!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Thursday, April 8, 2010

April Fools?

The month of April is not off to the best start for me so far! I'm hoping it turns around. The first couple days of the month were fine. I had a somewhat frustrating weekend of wrangling both kids while Jay worked, but my back was feeling a little better after some chiropractor visits, so that helped. We also had a nice Easter with my family on Sunday.

Then Monday, I started to have some abdominal pain. It was getting worse, and I started to vomit too. I was nervous since it was so soon after having the baby, so I went to the doctor. They suspected a kidney stone (which I've had before), and set up a CT scan for the next morning. In the meantime, I was in A TON of pain, and the pain meds didn't help at all. I also felt so nauseous that I couldn't eat (or drink much). The CT scan went fine and confirmed that there was a stone. Luckily, it was a small one (although that doesn't give you much relief when you're in excrutiating pain for hours at a time!!), and they thought I would pass it pretty quickly.

Well, Wednesday I was still in pain. Finally when I went to bed on Wednesday night I was feeling a little better, and now I am feeling ok today (knock on wood!). I am trying to not get my hopes up that I passed the stone without realizing it, but I am thankful for the long stretch of relief, and really hoping to not have to go through more pain!

It seems like it has been one thing after another lately for me, and I will need to see my doctor to discuss some other findings on the scan as well. I need a break! I just want to enjoy my baby and my maternity leave, and not be in pain or uncomfortable! I am lucky that my sister Jenna was able to come over two days this week to help me out when I was in pain!

Keep your fingers crossed that the rest of April will go a little more smoothly than this week did! I could use some good luck!