Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Six Months!
20 lbs 14oz
If the next six months fly by as fast as the past six did, Mara will be turning one before I know it!! (sob!)
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Movies, Movies, Movies
I also want to see Changeling...and I think there are a few more coming out around the holidays that look good (I can't resist a funny Christmas movie!!)
Before Mara was born, Jay and I used to go to a ton of movies. It's harder to get out now obviously, but we've seen a couple in the past six months.
We decided that as our anniversary 'gift' to each other this year, we're going to sign up for Netflix, and start setting aside some time to watch movies together. I know there are a lot of movies over the last few years that we both wanted to see but never got the chance, so we're looking forward to movie time! Oh, and maybe some popcorn too :)
Monday, October 27, 2008
When we decided to try to get pregnant, I knew I had to go off my prescription. Honestly, I was hoping to be 'drug free' anyway, so it was a good excuse. That doesn't mean I wasn't nervous about it though. I imagined I'd stop taking the pills and immediately be plagued with a daily headache again. I was hoping to be able to wean myself off of it by taking a lower dosage, but found out I was already taking the lowest dosage available. So, I decided to just quit cold turkey. headaches! I was so relieved!
Then when I got pregnant, I started to get bad migraines. They would last for days, and all I could do was lay in a quiet, dark room, and suffer through it. I was so happy when they finally eased up, and for the second half of my pregnancy, I was headache-free.
I wasn't sure how my body would respond after Mara was born. I really don't want to have to go back on a medication. So far, it's been ok. I've definitely had headaches, but so far no migraines. Although a few of them have been somewhat intense. But nothing like they were a few years ok.
I'm having one of those headaches today. I'm trying to drink a lot of water and take it easy. Hopefully it will go away...
Sunday, October 26, 2008
It's beginning to look a lot like...Christmas??
We went to get Mara's 6 month photos taken this afternoon. She was such a good girl! Tons of smiles, sat up well, and just seemed to have fun! I think we will really have some great photos. The photographer (she and her husband were videographers at my wedding and my sister's wedding) was really laid back, and took a ton of photos. She emailed me a few only about an hour after we finished with a couple of the photos -- they are so cute! My parents came with us, so we got a few photos of them with Mara too. I was glad we decided to 'splurge' this time with a professional photographer!
The snow got me thinking about Christmas, and shopping I need to do, and projects I should be working on! Mara will be almost 8 months at Christmas, which just seems unreal! But, I guess we should get through Halloween first...
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Carving Pumpkins
Mara actually sat quietly and watched most of the time, she seemed interested in what was going on. I helped dig out the 'guts' but Jay did the carving.
It turned out pretty cute! Note the matching teeth on the pumpkin and Mara (well, the bottom ones anyway!). She enjoyed getting her picture taken with it outside too...she loves being outside. I'm sure we'll be taking pictures of the two of them again on Halloween, when Mara has her costume on!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Couch Potatoes
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mara had peas for the first time today. Actually, it was the first solid food that she's eaten besides rice cereal. I was glad Jay was here to catch the first bite on video, because the moment was priceless! She made the BEST face as soon as she got a tiny taste. It was a mix between surprise and disgust. The second bite she still wasn't quite sure, but by bite number three, she was hooked! She really seemed to like it, and wanted more and more. Hopefully she will continue to be a good eater. I'm excited to be able to try other foods and see how she reacts to each of those!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
My Maralyn
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Two Years

Monday, October 20, 2008
My Grandpa
Photos: Grandpa's First Time Meeting Mara, 4 Generations (Mara, me, my Mom and Grandparents), Grandpa and Grandma at Mara's Baptism, Mara visiting Grandpa at the Nursing Home for the first time, Mara grabbing at Grandpa while visiting at the Nursing Home.
My Grandpa Lloyd Majerus passed away on Thursday, October 16th. He was 86 years old.
Although he had a lot of health issues in the past, he always came through ok, and I think I had started to think he was invincible. No matter what happened, he always recovered and went home. Maybe a little weaker, but he always went home. It was a big shock to get the call, since he hadn't really been sick. He was in the nursing home, recovering from a broken leg. He was doing physical therapy, and hoping to go home soon. Mara and I had just visited him the week before, and he had shown her off to the other residents at dinner (he loved wheeling to the dining room with her on his lap while everyone commented about how cute she was!).
I've been having a pretty hard time with the whole thing. I'm very grateful that he was able to meet my Mara, and he seemed to have a very soft spot in his heart for her. I am sad that she won't have a chance to really get to know him, but so grateful that they were able to meet, and they spent quite a bit of time together in the short time they knew each other. You'd think that after 22 grandchildren and 25 great-grandchildren, that the novely of a new baby would wear off, but he (and my Grandma) loved Mara like she was the very first. I know that Mara brightened some of his days at the nursing home, and I'm happy she was able to do that. Although she won't remember him, she will grow up hearing stories about him (everyone has a great story about him!).
My Grandparents were married for 64 years. My Grandpa was a great man, everyone who met him liked him right away. He had such a great sense of humor, and he will be missed by so many!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Countdown to Twilight the Movie...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008